Tuesday, 12 June 2012

rain rain go away

come again... NEVER!

ugh. I know, I know. I should have been "prepared" for this weather. When most people think of London, certain images come to mind: Big Ben Parliament, double-decker buses, The Queen and usually the leader of the pack: rain. And boy have we had our share of rain. And wind. And more rain. I do think my gym comrade was accurate in his weather forecasting - summer graced us with her presence for two weeks, never to be seen again. Welcome back old man winter. *

Thankfully, we did have a short break in the torrential "showers" on Saturday for a few hours and we were able to walk to Regent's Park, where a large Green Fair was being held. At one of the organic children's clothing retailer tents, the saleswoman said how delighted she was to have summer back. Summer? Oh no - I looked down and took note of my attire - boots, jeans and a wool sweater.

So while the days are damp and dreary, we do have a little ray of sunshine who makes it all the more tolerable.

Charlotte's Mr. T picture (notice the naturally occurring Mohawk)
*Note: This post is not intended to deter visitors. We promise we will order beautiful weather, should you wish to venture to London in the near future.


  1. What a cute little lady! She's so adorable and I can't believe you are so far away in London!!

    Miss you!

  2. She is so adorable E! Miss you tons :( Sorry about the weather, I'd hate to have it rainy and cold all the time (though our weather sucks for the opposite reason... SO HOT!)


  3. Lady, I nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Don't kill me and I miss you tons!!!!1
