So I received quite an interesting phone call this afternoon. It started with the caller on the other end of the line saying hello and asking me to recite my phone number. "Ummm... Didn't you just ring me" was my second thought. Sadly, my initial thought was "I have no clue what my phone number is... Don't you know they are 11digits long?" That one extra digit gets me every time. Well, this woman, Julie, began to explain that she used to hold this said phone number and she moved two years ago and hasn't received a call since. Maybe she should check with the phone company... Or reassess her relationships.
Julie then asked if I had received any post (mail)for her. After inquiring as to what her former address was, it was determined that it was in a neighboring town and so I replied that I had not received any post for her. To which she answered, "Well of course you wouldn't receive any post for me as that wouldn't even make sense." Okay, just making sure there wasn't any confusion in our differing English languages. Julie then proceeded to ask me to forward any mail to her former neighbors and friends Joyce or Saygred (lovely German woman who moved to London a number of years ago). Seriously, am I on Punked? Julie mentioned that she enjoyed my American accent. She has relations in the States ya know - her cousin used to live in Rhode Island (near the snow and earthquakes) but has since passed away. She was only 65, a very tragic death. But her children live there and she hopes to visit one day soon. She owes it to them since their mothers' sad passing.
In asking where I lived now with her old phone number, she said it was a bit more happening than her former residence (mind you, Julie lived in that one residence for over 50 years... So I am assuming she is fairly ancient). She wondered if I had ventured to the Savior parish not far from me... lovely pastor who resides there.
I came away with the conversation with a new phone number for Julie, should I receive any important calls; an 0800 number to pass along to any hoax calls; and one new best friend.