Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Day 99

So here we are. Day 99 of our adventure. I was supposed to start this blog precisely 99 days ago. That was the plan... and we all know how plans are always strictly adhered to when there is a baby in the picture.  So, with that in mind, I'm actually right on schedule.

Let me start off by saying I am the last (I mean dead last, back of the pack, number 101 out of 100, 0% chance) person on earth to ever start a blog. I've eaten my words before, so I'll do it yet again. My intention is to give our geographically-distant family and friends the opportunity to stay connected with us during our two years in London, watch Charlotte grow/change and selfishly, to chronicle our adventures while living in London. The time change and lack of decent international calling plans (and my own self-described laziness) hinder our ability to catch up with everyone on a routine basis. While I can't promise a great blog (I was born lacking the "attention to detail" gene), I can promise that I'll try and keep you up to date with Charlotte's milestones and anything else that may seem intriguing.

Just to give you a sense of the changes that occur in an infant in 99 days, here is a picture of Charlotte's first few hours in London and then a picture of her this past sunday enjoying her very European-looking jumper.